
Thursday, May 20, 2010

The beginning.. It starts here..

There comes a time in the life of every man or woman where the rubber hits the road so to speak and the time runs out on the clock of your life for excuses. And along with that same time there comes a time when you realize that you aren't living up to your full potential, and that there's greater out there for you. That time for me is now... Allow me to first introduce myself.. My name is Kevin, I am a 29 year old male living in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a senior psychology major at Morgan State University in Baltimore. I have struggled with my self image, health, and weight really ever since adult life began 12 years ago. I've always been a stocky individual, but for various different reasons it got beyond my control as the years of my life have gone on. It has caused me to balloon from roughly 225 pounds my freshman year in high school to now an ashamedly astounding 337 pounds when I went to the doctor's last week. This has now caused some serious health issues as is now have trouble breathing at times, it's caused serious back pain, and nerve issues, swelling of the ankles, etc., and if I don't catch it now can cause a host of problems later. For years I used a myriad of excuses, from my disabilities to being too busy with other things to the whole this won't affect me excuse. I've even overspiritualized the whole thing when what it really comes down to is choices. And for years I've been making the wrong ones in this area, blaming God, the devil, and everything else. So now is the time, now is the place, in my lifelong journey, where I have become fed up in this area. There is so much more I want to do in life & this weight is simply holding me up. Back in 2007, I lost 45 pounds in roughly 5 months, but I stopped doing what made me lose it. I've come to the realization that unfortunately my metabolism was not all that genetically blessed, and therefore this can't be a 5 month fad, as I've put that 45 all but back on, but it must be a lifestyle change. But since I've lost it before, I know I can do it again, and I know what to do to keep it off this time. So my goal is to drop 100 pounds in 6-12 months. I am slated to graduate on May 14, 2011 with my B.S. in psychology, and my graduation gift to myself is to be 100 pounds lighter. And all I have to do is put the fork down & pick the pace up. I'm beginning my journey this coming Monday, and I'll talk more in my next post about how I plan on going about it. But for now just know that the journey is on, and the lifechanging100 is about to happen. Feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions if you wish. Until next time..

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